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Reprint from Joanna Conti about helping your loved one stay sober after rehab


Three Ways of Preventing Relapse After Rehab

Every time I needed to get my daughter into rehab was immensely stressful. We had to search frantically for effective treatment, make sure the rehab had an opening, convince Karina she needed to go to rehab, work out the finances, and figure out how to get Karina there right away before she could change her mind. After going through all that, I wanted to do everything I could to make damn sure the treatment wo

rked. As I’ve discussed in other articles, multiple decisions made before and during treatment are tremendously important. Treatment is far more likely to put your child on the road to recovery if you chose an effective rehab, they complete all recommended treatment, and they remain in treatment for 90 or more days. But no matter how good the treatment was, it’s also critically important that your child is supported by a strong recovery support network when they leave treatment. Unfortunately, the first month after treatment is a very dangerous time. Research shows that among the people who will relapse sometime during the year after they leave rehab, 28% will relapse in the first week and 51% in the first month:

There are three types of after-care support systems that research shows can have a strong impact on whether your child remains drug- and alcohol-free after treatment.

Living in a Sober Group Home I’m a big believer in the importance of having your child move into a sober group home immediately after treatment. I'm quite confident that Karina would not have been sober for the last 10 years if she hadn't lived in recovery residences for at least 6 months on two different occasions. And the data backs me up. As shown below, 69% of the individuals who live in a sober group home for at least 6 months

after treatment report abstaining from alcohol and all non-prescribed drugs for at least the last 30 days one year after they left treatment. Most of these individuals report not having relapsed at all the whole first year:

Most group homes have live-in managers whose job it is to help individuals successfully navigate early recovery. They’ll typically make sure your son or daughter goes to meetings and often will help them find a job or go back to school. Managers will also enforce house rules such as curfews and will typically condu

ct periodic drug testing. You can search for accredited group homes by googling "association of recovery residences" and the name of your state.

Involvement in a Recovery Support Group Active involvement in a recovery support community such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and Smart Recovery will also dramatically improve the likelihood that your child recovers. Early recovery is hard, and it can be a very lonely time. Not only will your child have the opportunity to develop a strong network of sober friends and supporters who understand where they’re coming from, he or she can jo

in in social events and learn how to have fun without getting drunk or high.

Random Drug or Alcohol Testing You can also help your child remain abstinent by setting up randomized alcohol or drug testing. Knowing that they’ll likely be caught if they use again may be just enough motivation to keep your child from giving in when cravings strike,

and in-home monitoring by companies like SoberLink make this relatively easy.

Using any these recovery support options for three months or more will make it far more likely that your child or loved one will be able to navigate the early days after treatment without relapsing. Joanna

*************************** Joanna Conti, Founder & Board Chair Conquer Addiction, Inc P.O Box 9002 Port St. Lucie, FL, 34952 Phone: (800) 981-5194 Website:

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On the beautiful Connecticut shore, we own and operate two gender-specific homes: a men's and a women's house in the towns of Clinton and Madison. In safe and comfortable sober houses, each offers a community where we get well and find purpose.

​1. Assess each potential resident’s needs, and determine whether the level of support available within the residence is appropriate. Provide assistance to the resident for referral in or outside of the residence.

2. Value diversity and non-discrimination.

3. Provide a safe, homelike environment that meets NARR Standards.


4. Maintain an alcohol- and illicit-drug-free environment.


5. Honor individuals’ rights to choose their recovery paths within the parameters defined by the residence organization.


6. Protect the privacy and personal rights of each resident.


7. Provide consistent and uniformly applied rules.


8. Provide for the health, safety and welfare of each resident.


9. Address each resident fairly in all situations.


10. Encourage residents to sustain relationships with professionals, recovery support service providers and allies.


11. Take appropriate action to stop intimidation, bullying, sexual harassment and/or otherwise threatening behavior of residents, staff and visitors within the residence.

12. Take appropriate action to stop retribution, intimidation, or any negative consequences that could occur as the result of a grievance or complaint.


13. Provide consistent, fair practices for drug testing that promote the residents’ recovery and the health and safety of the recovery environment and protect the privacy of resident information to the extent allowed by law.

14. Provide an environment in which each resident’s recovery needs are the primary factors in all decision making.


15. Promote the residence with marketing or advertising that is supported by accurate, open and honest claims.


16. Decline taking an active role in the recovery plans of relatives, close friends, and/or business acquaintances who may apply to live in the recovery residence.


17. Sustain transparency in operational and financial decisions.


18. Maintain clear personal and professional boundaries.


19. Operate within the residence’s scope of service and within professional training and credentials.


20. Maintain an environment that promotes the peace and safety of the surrounding neighborhood and the community at large.


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