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House members bike the beach road under a blue sky

Looking for sober living in an upscale sober house in a safe town?


We believe that sustainable recovery is so much more than abstaining from substances, we're on a mission to help you evolve into the person you've always wanted to be, obtain fulfilling work and learn how to be part of a living, thriving recovery community. Where you live after rehab has a big impact on your life. Make the sober living experience count. Our 12-step based Sober Living program offers sharing the responsibilities of making dinner, leading diversified workshops and letting the comaraderie of our community shine through. Join us where recovery first meets life.

House member leading a horse and smiling

Our Services

Our sober living offers in-house coaching and case management. We can suggest highly individuated clinical services to wrap around you and then help you start your own wellness program with a free gym membership or show you the nearby bike trails. We invite you to join in peer-lead activities so you can make lifelong recovery friends and have fun in recovery.

Our Vision 

Our program is rooted in compassion, support, accountability, and the 12 steps. Individuals can experience profound changes in their lives, leading to less distress and a newfound sense of empowerment. At Right Path House, we are dedicated to guiding you towards freedom from addiction. 

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House members taking a quiet evening sail

For some, long-term recovery involves addressing underlying trauma. We can assist house members in finding effective clinicians and intensive outpatient programs to create an individualized program for long-term sobriety.


A fence lines the edge of the marsh at Hammonasett Park

Successful sober living is etched in Attachment Theory. It's wanting to learn about ourselves and improve our relationships. Be part of a group that allows us to self-determine which behaviors we choose. It makes building a recovery community very important. We offer workshops, dinners prepared by house members, and encourage peer-driven things to do on the weekend.


family coach

Our family coach helps families heal from addiction.

front hall to back door
Flowers in bloom at Right Path Sober Living House in Madison, Connecticut


As coaches we can help with prioritizing recovery,

as well as cooking. finding a sponsor, obtaining a job and handling schedules or budgets.   

divine equine

For the riders in recovery, our dedicated team extends to Westbrook Hunt Club and Twin Brook Farm. With a focus on holistic healing, we aim to empower our clients to overcome addiction and reclaim their lives whether they are continuing their equestrian training or just climbing on board a horse for the first time to experience something new. 


For the non-riders, we work closely with Marty Whittle at Mad Duck Farm so they can enjoy the beautiful countryside while ground working a horse.

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"I'm blown away by the difference in me since I came here."

Private Chef


A sober woman running on the beach near our sober living house in Madison, Connecticut


MacKenzie Morley died January 4, 2016. I was her aunt, her advocate, and her friend. She was a mother, wife, and daughter. Despite going to rehab three times in a row, she died at 27 of liver failure arising from her addiction. She left behind her 8 year-old son and loving family.

Enough is enough, I wanted to do what I could to change things. Being decades sober myself, I had seen the benefits of sober living. The cost was too high for good sober living and the sober living that offered little more than a bed wasn't always very helpful, so I opened a combination fo both in a gently structured sober house that was reasonably priced.  We individually coach our residents to practice the proven research about building community, creating a wellness plan, seeking safety and finding a sense of purpose. It is our norm. Because we miss our MacKenzie every day, we want to extend our hand to you and your family as you seek help.  Your family can find and nurture the peace and long-lasting health that you may long for.

On the beautiful Connecticut shore, we own and operate two gender-specific homes: a men's and a women's house in the towns of Clinton and Madison. In safe and comfortable sober houses, each offers a community where we get well and find purpose.

​1. Assess each potential resident’s needs, and determine whether the level of support available within the residence is appropriate. Provide assistance to the resident for referral in or outside of the residence.


2. Value diversity and non-discrimination.


3. Provide a safe, homelike environment that meets NARR Standards.


4. Maintain an alcohol- and illicit-drug-free environment.


5. Honor individuals’ rights to choose their recovery paths within the parameters defined by the residence organization.


6. Protect the privacy and personal rights of each resident.


7. Provide consistent and uniformly applied rules.


8. Provide for the health, safety and welfare of each resident.


9. Address each resident fairly in all situations.


10. Encourage residents to sustain relationships with professionals, recovery support service providers and allies.


11. Take appropriate action to stop intimidation, bullying, sexual harassment and/or otherwise threatening behavior of residents, staff and visitors within the residence.


12. Take appropriate action to stop retribution, intimidation, or any negative consequences that could occur as the result of a grievance or complaint.


13. Provide consistent, fair practices for drug testing that promote the residents’ recovery and the health and safety of the recovery environment and protect the privacy of resident information to the extent allowed by law.


14. Provide an environment in which each resident’s recovery needs are the primary factors in all decision making.


15. Promote the residence with marketing or advertising that is supported by accurate, open and honest claims.


16. Decline taking an active role in the recovery plans of relatives, close friends, and/or business acquaintances who may apply to live in the recovery residence.


17. Sustain transparency in operational and financial decisions.


18. Maintain clear personal and professional boundaries.


19. Operate within the residence’s scope of service and within professional training and credentials.


20. Maintain an environment that promotes the peace and safety of the surrounding neighborhood and the community at large.


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